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Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO) is a non-governmental organisation uniting birdwatchers, nature lovers, amateurs and professionals interested in the research and protection of birds.
CSO is the Czech national partner of BirdLife International.

Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring

The project is undertaken through the common effort and shared goals of BirdLife International and European Bird Census Council (EBCC).The project is supported by Royal Society for Protection of Birds, BirdLife Partner in the UK.

Website of this project:

We analysed population trends of 152 bird species using data of the Breeding Bird Monitoring Programme. Results are published in the paper in the journal Sylvia (Reif et al. 2006). Here we add figures depicting annual population indices in 105 species with reliable trend estimates, which were not included in the published paper. The value of each index is 100 % in the first year of the analysed time series (1982). More results and methods of trend estimation are described in the paper Reif et al. (2006), which can be obtained upon request to the first author. Agency for Nature Protection and Landscape Conservation of the Czech Republic supported data management and analyses.

This report presents an enlarged set of population trends and indices of 77 common bird species in Europe, which have been produced by Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring scheme in 2005. The trends and indices presented in this report cover time period 1980 – 2003, although data back to 60s are available from some European countries.

Population trends and indices of selected 48 common bird species in Europe, which have been produced by Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme, are presented for each species. The report can be downloaded in pdf format.
Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Project has commenced in January 2002. The main project goal is to use common birds as indicators of the general state of nature using scientific data on changes in breeding populations across Europe.
The review has shown that substantial progress has been made in development of common bird monitoring schemes in Europe. There are 20 countries with data potentially suitable for generating Pan-European indices for common birds. Much effort should be, however, devoted to improvement of existing national schemes and development new schemes. Full text of the review is available in PDF format.

    © Česká společnost ornitologická 2002-2017
    Články vyjadřují názory autorů a jsou majetkem redakce. ISSN 1803-6791